We work: с 9.00 до 18.00

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Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Welcome to Dendropark

We specialize in the following services:

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

The main direction of our work is import plants from Europe

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

We place on order, sell, plant and maintain.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Roller grasses are producedsold, supplied and stacked also by us.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

We work with nurseries from Europe and Russia.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

We do landscaping work and projects.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

We sell high quality soil.

We help, advise and consult!

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АКЦИЯ ДО 30.09.2019
Газон стандартный и элитный
по 99 руб/м2

Plants delivery from Europe

The priority of our activities is the import plants from Europe.

Customs clearance

Financial Support


Delivery of cargo containers

Delivery in regions of Russia

Delivery by refrigerators and tarpaulin-covered semitrailers

Outdoor crops

All our plants have passed phytosanitary control quarantine and are adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia!

Карантинный контроль

Фитосанитарный контроль

Адаптированы к климатическим условиям России

In our possession:

Площадью 5 га, на котором находится более 3000 видов и разновидностей деревьев, кустарников, цветов.

The own nursery with an area of 2.5 ha, on which there are more than 3000 species and varieties of trees, bushes and flowers.

The nursery with an area of 20 ha for the adaptation and maturation of decorative trees and bushes.

Our specialization is the sale, planting and transplantation of trees and bushes

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Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Important to know...

Есть несколько вещей, которые надо учесть, чтобы ваш сад был великолепен!

Any seedling will take some time to settle in a new place

Choose plants with the best root system

The planting site is preparing individually for every plant

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Main steps of planting

The main task of planting is to create enabling environment for further development

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Digging a pit of a specified size.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Planting of seedlings according to the rules of agro-technology

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Fixing trees with anchors and ropes

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Watering with stimulants for rooting depths.

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Soil drainage

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Filling with fertile substrate

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Setting tree trunk roller

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Cutting tree canopy

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Anti-Stress Treatment

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Processing plant with antistressants

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!


Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Abundant Irrigation

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Setting tree trunk roller

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Cutting tree canopy

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Anti-Stress Treatment

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Processing plant with antistressants

Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!


Дендропарк - Enjoy your garden!

Abundant Irrigation

Rolled lawn

«Standard» - 1300 rub/ft2

Decorative, budget option lawn that can be used for landscaping the back of the plot of land. Least resistant to trampling. Grass mixtures for such a lawn make up of decorative perennial plants with high resistance to changes in weather conditions. This lawn is the best option from the line of budget types of lawn.

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«Elite» - 1400 rub/ft2

The most effective lawn.. It has a perfectly smooth surface. This is an elite lawn located in the central part of the plot, in front of front door surrounded by flower beds and ornamental shrubs. Emerald-green color, wide leaf, dense vegetation in its composition 100% meadow grass - these are the main quality indicators "Partern" lawn.

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«Sport» - 1615 rub/ft2

A variety of lawn that stands out unique operational characteristics. It is tight and very elastic, resistant to heavy loads various damage - trampling, tear, etc. Such a lawn is indispensable on any sports grounds - stadiums, tennis courts, football golf courses, etc. The sports lawn perfectly maintains adverse weather conditions - rain, drought. It does not form puddles, it does not slip, does not turn into impassable dirt. Besides, he has a beautiful aesthetic view - dense covered by grass with saturated color.

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Our lawn:

Saturated color

Flat grassy covering

Thick turf

No Weeds

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About us

Denropark company was founded in 1997. She was organized by a group of like-minded people who had known each other since college.

Our company is always open to dialogue and respects the agreements reached. We value our customers.

Our employees have specialized education and many years of experience in the field of enhancement spaces and landscaping.

Our portfolio


Opening hours of the garden center: с 9.00 до 18.00

+7 (903) 226-22-02

If you're in a traffic jam, call us and we'll wait for you.

Офис продаж:

127549, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., 70, корп. 2. Здание фитнес центра Икс Фит


142140, Москва, Троицкий административный округ Москвы, д. Конаково

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